Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Who Is This Miss Frugal?

Money doesn't grow on trees, 

but food does.... so we are rich!

Yes I made that up (I think), and it's true.

However if I had a dollar for every time I have said that to my son, I might have an investing or playing the stock market blog! Alas, here I am Miss Frugal.

I am a single Mom of a 17 year old, and we both love good eats! 
Having a lowly income while being environmentally sound has forced us to practice different methods of maximizing and minimizing.

~ Maximizing money, health and space, while minimizing impact and waste ~

Today more than ever, people are finding their food security is in peril due to low finances, inflation, or limited space. How do we balance social impacts, the environment, and health, while feeding ourselves and our family?

Touching on those very dynamics that threaten our households survival and sustainability, I hope tricks I have learned and invented over the years will be of use to everyone. Follow along with me to explore food choices, food management and yes even the best part – Eating!

As an avid foodie, penny pincher, gardener, and non – vegan 'freegan', I want to put some of these issues into feasible solutions for everyone. I also want to hear from you in the comments! The only way we will get through these times is if we adopt the village rather than individual mindset once again in society...

Let us walk (and eat) together,

Miss Frugal

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